berhabis: to squander berhabis-habisan: to the best of one's ability and effort kehabisan: exhausted; depleted penghabisan: conclusion; last sehabis: immediately after berhablur: to become crystallised menghablur: to crystallise terhablur: in a crystallised state berhabuk: dusty berhad: limited mengehadkan: to limit terhad: limited menghadamkan: to digest penghadaman: digestion berhadap-hadapan: face-to-face hadapan: forward part; in front berhadapan: to face menghadap: to have an audience with the king menghadapi: to face; to meet menghadapkan: to cause to meet or face terhadap: about; toward menghadiahkan: to present a gift kehadiran: attendance; presence menghadiri: to attend menghadirkan diri: to be present hadirin: those present menghafaz: to memorise kehairanan: amazement; astonishment menghairankan: to astonish; to amaze berhajat: to have the intention berhajatkan: to wish for menghajati: to wish for hak cipta: copyright hak milik: proprietary rights berhak: having the right; to be entitled kehakiman: judicial menghakimi: to judge menghakimkan: to judge penghakiman: judgement menghakis: to erode hakisan: erosion hal-ehwal: affairs menghalkan: to talk about menghala: in the direction of menghalakan: to aim at menghalalkan: permit; allow menghalang: to block; to obstruct; to hinder halangan: obstacle penghalang: obstacle; hindrance > menghalau: to chase or drive away berhaluan: to follow a course sehaluan: following the same course halus-halus: finely menghalusi: to find out in detail; to treat gently memperhalusi: to find out in detail; to treat gently memperhamba: to enslave; to treat as a slave perhambaan: enslavement menghambat: to pursue or chase berhamburan: scattered menghamburi: to fill up menghamburkan: to scatter berhambus: to go away kehamilan: pregnancy hampa beras: husk hampa hati: frustrated; disappointed kehampaan: disappointment; frustration menghampakan: to frustrate; to disappoint menghampar: to spread out (a carpet) hamparan: carpet; mat menghampari: to cover menghamparkan: to spread out (like a carpet) hampas kelapa: coconut dregs; coconut husk hampir-hampir: nearly; almost berhampiran: to be near; near by menghampiri: to approach menghampirkan: to bring close to menghamput: to scold menghamun: to scold; to berate hancur luluh: destroy (of marriage, friendship); devastated kehancuran: destruction; ruin menghancurkan: to destroy; to shatter kehandalan: cleverness menghantam: to beat violently hantaran: dowry; something that is sent menghantarkan: to send off; to bring; to escort penghantar: sender; deliverer penghantaran: delivery berhantu: haunted menghantui: to haunt berhantuk: to bump or knock into menghantukkan: to knock terhantuk: to knock or collide accidentally hantukan: bumping or knocking sound hanya satu: except one; only one berhanyut-hanyut: to drift menghanyutkan: to cause to drift away menghapuskan: to wipe out; to abolish; to eradicate penghapusan: abolition; eradication terhapus: eradicated; abolished mengharamkan: to forbid; to ban pengharaman: banning harapan: hope; expectation pengharapan: hope; expectation berharap: to hope; to wish berharapkan: to hope for mengharap: to hope; to wish; to expect mengharapkan: to hope for; to wish for berharga: valuable menghargai: to appreciate penghargaan: honour; appreciation haribulan: date harian: daily berhari-hari: day after day sehari: one day sehari-hari: every day sehari-harian: all day long harta tanah: real estate hartawan: wealthy person; magnate berharta: having property; wealthy mengharukan: to plague terharu: upset; grieved haruman: fragrance; perfume mengharum: fragrant mengharumi: to make fragrant mengharumkan: to make fragrant; to make famous mengharungi: to wade mengharuskan: to compel; to permit seharusnya: necessarily; inevitably; actually hasil bumi: natural resources hasil jualan: sales returns hasil negeri: state revenue hasil pertanian: agricultural products berhasil: successful; fruitful menghasilkan: produce berhasrat: to have a desire menghasut: to instigate hasutan: instigation penghasut: instigator berhati binatang: cruel berhati-hati: cautious memperhatikan: to pay attention pemerhati: observer perhatian: attention sehati sejiwa: one heart and soul (togetherness) kehausan: (1) thirst (2) abraded menghauskan: to cause thirst; to yearn for menghayati: to appreciate; to experience penghayatan: appreciation juruhebah: announcer; broadcaster penghebah: announcer; broadcaster menghebahkan: to announce; to broadcast penghebahan: announcement kehebatan: power; awe memperhebatkan: to intensify menghebohkan: to cause an uproar; to publicise menghela: to drag or haul berhemat: to be careful; to be thrifty menghematkan: to economise hembusan: a puff; a gust of wind; exhalation menghembus: to blow; to exhale menghembuskan: to blow out menghempap: to crush by falling on top of menghempapkan: to cause something heavy to fall on menghempas: to slam; to throw; to lash berhempas pulas: to work very hard terhempas: thrown; tossed berkehendak: to wish for berkehendakkan: to want; to require kehendak: a wish menghendaki: to require; to ask for sekehendak hati: according to one's wish menghendap: to spy; to lurk terhendap-hendap: to lurk; to be latent keheningan: quietness; clearness menghentak: to stamp (of feet) hentakan: stamping of the feet menghentakkan: to stamp (of feet) menghentam: to bash; to strike; to batter; to beat hentam keromo: to finish all at once berhenti: to stop memberhentikan: to cause to stop menghentikan: to cause to stop pemberhentian: stoppage perhentian: a place for stopping terhenti: stopped menghenyak: to stamp menghenyakkan: to throw oneself upon terhenyak: sit down suddenly herdikan: scolding mengherdik: to scold mengheret: to drag menghias: to decorate menghiasi: to decorate menghiaskan: to decorate perhiasan: decoration; adornment berhiba hati: sorrowful menghibakan: to arouse feelings of sorrow menghibur: to entertain; to amuse; to cheer up hiburan: entertainment; amusement menghiburkan: entertaining penghibur: entertainer terhibur: entertained menghidangkan: to serve; to present (food) hidangan: a dish of food menghidap: to suffer from (an illness) menghidapi: to suffer from (an illness) menghidu: to smell hidung tinggi: snobbish hidup-hidup: alive hidupan: living things kehidupan: life menghidupkan: to start; to switch on penghidupan: livelihood kehijauan: greenish; greenery menghijau: to appear to be green; to become green berhijrah: to migrate penghijrahan: migration kehilangan: loss; disappearance menghilang: to disappear menghilangkan: to cause to disappear hilir-mudik: up and down menghilir: to go downstream himpitan: act of squeezing or crushing; crowd berhimpitan: pushing; pressing; squeezing; crushing menghimpit: to squeeze or crush; to press terhimpit: squeezed; crushed; pressed berhimpun: to assemble; to gather himpunan: accumulation; collection menghimpunkan: to assemble; to collect perhimpunan: assembly; gathering menghinakan: to insult penghinaan: humiliation; insult terhina: scorned terhincut-hincut: limping menghindar: to avoid; to pull to the side menghindari: to avoid; to evade menghindarkan: to avoid terhindar: averted menghinggapi: to perch on; to attack (by illness) menghiraukan: to pay attention to hirisan: a slice menghiris: to slice terhiris: be offended; be hurt; be touched emotionally menghirup: to sip; to suck ilmu hisab: arithmetic menghisap: to suck; to smoke penghisap: smoker; sucker; drinking-straw hisapan: suction kehitaman: very black menghitamkan: to blacken berhitung: to count menghitung: to count memperhitungkan: to take into consideration perhitungan: consideration berhormat: respected kehormat: honourable kehormatan: honour menghormati: to respect penghormatan: honour; respect terhormat: respected hubungan: connection; ties; link; sexual affair berhubung: regarding; in respect of berhubungan: having regards to menghubungkaitkan: to interrelate menghubungi: to contact menghubungkan: to connect perhubungan: connection; relationship berhujah: to wrangle; to contend; to argue menghujahkan: to contend hujan rintik-rintik: drizzle berhujan: to expose oneself to the rain kehujanan: caught in the rain menghujani: to rain upon hujung minggu: weekend hujung tahun: end of the year penghujung: conclusion; ending hukuman: punishment; penalty; sentence hukuman maut: death sentence hukuman penjara: jail sentence menghukum: to sentence for punishment menghulur: to stretch menghulurkan: to stretch; to release menghumban: to fling; to hurl; to throw berhuni: inhabited berpenghuni: inhabited menghuni: to inhabit penghuni: inhabitant; dweller menghunus: to unsheathe huraian: elaboration; explanation; description menghuraikan: to untie; to separate; to settle; to decide menghuru-harakan: to create chaos huruf besar: capital letter huruf kecil: small (lower case) letter perhutanan: forestry hutang lapuk: bad debt hutang-piutang: all kinds of debts berhutang: to owe terhuyung-hayang: to stagger |